

Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Appears on the BFM Business Check-up Santé Show

Claire Mounier-Vehier and Thierry Drilhon, Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation cofounders spoke about the importance of the 3 As: Alert, Anticipate, and Act to save 10,000 women in 5 years.

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Thanks to Fabien Guez for inviting us to appear on his Check-up Santé show on BFM Business to talk about cardiovascular disease among women and Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes).
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women. Every year in France, more than 75,000 women die from a cardiovascular disease, with 200 deaths per day. Heart attacks are increasing +5% per year among women ages 45 to 54, linked to unhealthy lifestyles. Women have different warning signs than men and are diagnosed late, which significantly increases their risk of dying or not recovering to full health. They also don’t receive enough screening and monitoring during three key hormone stages: when they first start or change birth control methods, during pregnancy, and during menopause. Scientific research has focused very little on the female cardiovascular system and treatments don’t always take into account women’s specific metabolism. Yet with positive, compassionate prevention, 8 out of 10 women can avoid cardiovascular disease. Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation’s Mission: Alert – Anticipate – Act.




New European Heart Attack Recommendations Include Focus on Women

The 2020 recommendations focus on ultra-sensitive troponin assays with early diagnosis (one to two hours), coronary angiography in less then 24 hours and coronary CT scan to rule out diagnoses. Information specific to women is clearly detailed. The European Society of Cardiology has updated [...]



Why Women’s Arteries are Sensitive to Stress

Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was a guest on the RTL radio morning show and encouraged women to take care of their hearts and arteries especially during this stressful time as things begin to reopen after lockdown. There are many sources of stress, such as remote work arrangements, children to [...]



How Domestic Violence Increases Cardiovascular Risks

In addition to psychological and emotional suffering, stress, anxiety, depression and suicide, domestic violence has many other health repercussions that aren’t as well known. This trauma contributes to cardiovascular disease when survivors develop obesity, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation [...]


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prevention for women at key moments in their lives