

Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Created in Paris in 1873 and then expanded throughout France, the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the oldest international chamber of commerce in France and Europe.

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For more than 148 years, the Franco-British Chamber has offered our members a wide range of tailor-made services to help them expand their businesses on both sides of the Channel. Today our member network includes more than 2000 international companies of all sizes serving a wide range of industries. We’ve supported the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) since its inception, doing our part to help the foundation tackle this health and societal emergency. For example, on International Women’s Day 2020, the foundation’s co-founder Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was the guest of honor at a grand event at the Maison des Arts et Métiers in Paris where she spoke to a large group of Franco-British business leaders on March 10. This memorable evening was sponsored by L’Oréal who is deeply committed to scientific research and inclusive beauty. We also hosted a webinar on April 9 in partnership with the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) entitled “How to demystify, reassure and prevent COVID-19: Let’s save lives together!” for the entire Franco-British business community.




Our Mission at Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Coeur des Femmes)

Our Work

Do everything we can to educate and alert women about their cardiovascular health at three key hormone stages: contraception, pregnancy and perimenopause. Boost active prevention efforts by giving all women access to cardiovascular screening and care in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary healthcare [...]



Demystifying Cholesterol


There are many misconceptions about cholesterol. Some are over-dramatic, others minimize the issue. Much of this is due to a lack of knowledge. This book transforms something complex into a clear, simple package. What roles does cholesterol play? What are the causes and consequences of high [...]



Book Review: 100 Questions and Responses on Contraception


The vast majority of women use contraception at some point in their lives. The method they choose varies based on their stage in life. Various hormonal and non-hormonal options are available. It’s important to know the advantages and potential disadvantages of each contraceptive method in order to [...]


 Your gift improves
prevention for women at key moments in their lives