

Crédit Mutuel

Member/Customer-owned bank and insurer

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Crédit Mutuel is the leading bank/insurer in France including the Crédit Mutuel network, the CIC financial services firm and its subsidiaries. We have more than 83,000 employees and 22,000 administrators who put their financial and service expertise to work for 34.2 million customers, including 31.5 million individuals. Crédit Mutuel is very engaged in the nonprofit and sports sectors and we’re proud to commit to a long-term partnership to support the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes). On May 5, 2020, Raphaël Rebert, Crédit Mutuel’s managing director for the greater Paris region, and Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, presented a webinar on preparing for a successful reopening after lockdown. Many other actions are planned with Crédit Mutuel to promote the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) and its four missions: mobilization, prevention, treatment and research.




Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation’s Expert Scientific and Medical Ambassadors

Every day, Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation shares its informational messages encouraging people to Alert, Anticipate and Act on the risks of cardiovascular events for women during the three key hormonal phases (contraception, pregnancy, menopause). How does it work? Health [...]



How Vasomotor Symptoms in Menopause are Linked with Cardiovascular Events





How Drug Tolerance Differs for Women

Health Professionals

This is the main conclusion of a large American study just published in Biology of Sex Differences, which analyzed literature data from more than 5,400 references to determine whether gender differences in pharmacokinetic parameters predict differences in the occurrence of adverse events in men and [...]


 Your gift improves
prevention for women at key moments in their lives