- Buy the book on leslibraires.fr: https://www.leslibraires.fr/livre/14427548-docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe--dr-boule-stephane-in-press
- Buy the book on decitre.fr: https://www.decitre.fr/livres/docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-savoir-sur-la-fibrillation-atriale-9782848354958.html
- Buy the book on chapitre.com: https://www.chapitre.com/BOOK/boule-stephane/docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-savoir-sur-la-fibrillation-auriculaire,78142716.aspx
- Buy the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.fr/Docteur-mon-coeur-semballe-fibrillation/dp/284835495X
- Buy the book on fnac.com: https://livre.fnac.com/a12469225/Boule-stephane-Docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-comprendre-sur-la-fibrillation-atriale
The vast majority of women use contraception at some point in their lives. The method they choose varies based on their stage in life. Various hormonal and non-hormonal options are available. It’s important to know the advantages and potential disadvantages of each contraceptive method in order to [...]
It is estimated that 150,000 women of childbearing age in France have a cardiovascular disease. If these patients don’t receive appropriate care during pregnancy, the risk of complications for their children is 15 times higher and their risk of death is 100 times higher. Pregnancy is a true [...]
French Society of Hypertension has established a partnership with Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation to alert women with high blood pressure at three key hormone stages. A tangible application of this partnership, the expert consensus entitled “HTA, Hormone et Femmes” (Hypertension, [...]