

New Book Explains How to Prevent, Detect and Treat Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is public health issue impacting millions of people around the world and the number of people impacted continues to rise. Yet this heart rhythm problem remains relatively unknown. Significant progress has been made in recent years, enabling medical staff to better prevent, detect and treat this disorder.

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Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia. It is caused by an abnormal contraction in the atria. The incidence of this disorder is constantly increasing and it’s estimated that the number of people suffering from it will double in the next 30 years. Atrial fibrillation increases the risk of a stroke fivefold and often causes a significant decrease in quality of life due to its symptoms (fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.). A diagnosis often raises many questions: What’s causing it? Should I take a blood thinner? How can I get rid of the arrhythmia episodes? How can I get back to normal life? This book was written to help patients become an active participant in their health by providing: - Clear explanations to help you understand atrial fibrillation
- Detailed, reliable and up-to-date information
- Explanatory diagrams
- Patient stories
- Explanations of various treatment options
- Easy to follow advice for daily life
- A glossary of terms used in medical reports
- Tips for preparing for your consultation
- Questions and responses
Author Stéphane Boulé explains atrial fibrillation in simple, accessible terms and presents effective treatment options. This book provides practical advice for living well with atrial fibrillation and includes a question and response section covering the questions asked most frequently in medical appointments.   - Buy the book from Editions InPress: https://www.inpress.fr/livre/docteur-mon-coeur-semballe

- Buy the book on leslibraires.fr: https://www.leslibraires.fr/livre/14427548-docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe--dr-boule-stephane-in-press

- Buy the book on decitre.fr: https://www.decitre.fr/livres/docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-savoir-sur-la-fibrillation-atriale-9782848354958.html

- Buy the book on chapitre.com: https://www.chapitre.com/BOOK/boule-stephane/docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-savoir-sur-la-fibrillation-auriculaire,78142716.aspx

- Buy the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.fr/Docteur-mon-coeur-semballe-fibrillation/dp/284835495X

- Buy the book on fnac.com: https://livre.fnac.com/a12469225/Boule-stephane-Docteur-mon-coeur-s-emballe-tout-comprendre-sur-la-fibrillation-atriale




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