

How to Live Your Best Life in Menopause

Struggling with hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain or low libido? An Enquête de Santé episode on France 5 provided comprehensive information to better understand and live through this complicated period.

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The drop in hormones can trigger symptoms that vary from one woman to another. While menopause isn’t an illness, it can expose women to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. This means screening for risk factors is a public health issue. Should you take hormone replacement therapy? What are the most effective natural methods to live your best life during menopause? We know one thing for sure: menopause is the time that reveals how important it is to take care of yourself. The report features a wide variety of presenters, including Prof. Geneviève Plu-Bureau from Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation.





Are medications sexist?

Erving Zucker and his colleagues at University of California Berkeley conducted research in more than 5,000 publications and focused on 86 medications on the U.S. market administered to men and women. At equivalent doses, 76 of them had a higher concentration in women’s blood than in men’s blood, [...]



Listener Shares Touching Story on France Bleu

This show gave me an opportunity to remind listeners that hospitalizations for heart attacks among women ages 45 to 54 are increasing 5% per year, mainly because of early exposure to smoking, stress, sedentary lifestyles, instability and combination contraceptives with estrogen. Traditional risk [...]



Alert, Anticipate, Act to Save Lives

In France, 200 women die every day from cardiovascular disease in all its forms, and 25,000 die every day worldwide, with delays in treatment mainly due to a lack of awareness. The causes of death in France are well documented: women die most often from a stroke, then from heart attack or heart [...]


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