

How to Support Women’s Health at Work

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How can women pay attention to their hearts when their lives are so stressful? They have a tendency to forget themselves while carrying a heavy mental load as they juggle performing well at work, taking care of their children, managing their household, staying desirable to their spouse or partner, etc.
In a podcast from Capsee, Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, covered a number of topics related to women’s heart health. She also talked about workplace wellness and its benefits for performance while highlighting how corporate leaders’ views on the topic have evolved. This growing awareness is important because we often have a tendency to act like everything is going well, living in denial when it comes to our health. Prof. Mounier-Vehier emphasized how essential it is to take care of ourselves so that we can continue taking care of those around us in a virtuous circle of care.
Listen to the podcast in French: https://www.capsee.net/podcast/episode/c0975348/14-claire-mounier-vehier-accompagner-la-sante-des-femmes-sert-la-performance-de-lentreprise?lang=fr




Why this Doctor is Sounding the Red Alert for Women’s Hearts


Just three years ago, France 5 broadcast a health investigation on women’s hearts. During the program, Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, sounded the alarm: women are on the front lines of cardiovascular events and they don’t even know it. This show has already helped save many lives, raising [...]



France 2 Broadcasts Warning on Evening Show

At University Hospital of Lille, the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) is seeing patients every day who have delayed treatment because they were afraid to see a doctor in the past few weeks. No one should hesitate to see a doctor or call 911 as soon as [...]



Sharing the Healthy Heart Message with Women in Africa

Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier and Thierry Drilhon, cofounders of Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation, [...]


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