

France 2 Broadcasts Warning on Evening Show

Thanks to the France 2 news show team for sharing our alert about the increase in heart attack risk for women during this stressful time.

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At University Hospital of Lille, the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) is seeing patients every day who have delayed treatment because they were afraid to see a doctor in the past few weeks. No one should hesitate to see a doctor or call 911 as soon as symptoms appear. In the greater Paris region, the number of cardiac arrests has doubled during lockdown. It’s important to see a doctor or call 911 as soon as you feel heart attack symptoms. Note that these symptoms are often less acute for women and include tiring easily, shortness of breath, chest pain and nausea. It’s especially important to get treatment right away if you have risk factors like smoking, stress, physical inactivity, excess weight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/coronavirus/coronavirus-le-nombre-darrets-cardiaque-a-double-durant-le-confinement_3992419.html




Alert, Anticipate, Act to Save Lives

In France, 200 women die every day from cardiovascular disease in all its forms, and 25,000 die every day worldwide, with delays in treatment mainly due to a lack of awareness. The causes of death in France are well documented: women die most often from a stroke, then from heart attack or heart [...]



Drink Less, Live Longer

Santé Publique France reminded readers about the work of a group of experts commissioned in 2017 to study the effects of alcohol on our health with INCA, the national cancer institute. Their report concluded that it’s no longer possible to say there’s no risk if alcohol consumption stays below [...]



Three Minutes to Convince Viewers…

Prof. Mounier-Vehier was a guest on the Chroniques Santé show on TV WEO to explain why it is important to change the stereotypes about cardiovascular disease in women. There are still major biases related to cardiovascular disease in women that lead to many lost opportunities. Insufficient [...]


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