

Drink Less, Live Longer

Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Alert: drinking alcohol can harm your health, especially if you’re a woman. To limit this risk, Santé Publique France issued a simple recommendation on their website www.santepubliquefrance.fr: Limit alcohol consumption to two glasses/day and don’t drink every day.

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Santé Publique France reminded readers about the work of a group of experts commissioned in 2017 to study the effects of alcohol on our health with INCA, the national cancer institute. Their report concluded that it’s no longer possible to say there’s no risk if alcohol consumption stays below certain levels. Any amount of alcohol use has health risks. Yet alcohol has an important place in our culture and is part of many happy and enjoyable gatherings. That’s why the group of experts outlined levels of alcohol consumption that have low health risks: don’t consume 10 standard glasses or less/week, don’t drink more than two standard glasses/day and don’t drink alcohol every day. These recommendations apply to both women and men. Pregnant women shouldn’t drink any alcohol due to the serious consequences it has on the health of the mother and baby. According to Santé Publique France, the risks of excessive alcohol use include driving accidents, falls, injuries, suicide, and violence. Plus, there are longer term risks that aren’t as well known, including mouth and throat cancers, esophageal cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease like heart arrhythmias, hemorrhagic stroke, high blood pressure, liver disease, and mental illnesses and nervous system disorders. At Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation, our work focuses on alerting people to cardiovascular risk factors, anticipating and preventing these risks and acting to improve health outcomes. We can save lives by following effective preventive measures and sharing critical information with everyone we know. https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/determinants-de-sante/alcool/documents/article/de-nouveaux-reperes-de-consommation-d-alcool-pour-limiter-les-risques-sur-sa-sante https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/determinants-de-sante/alcool/documents/article/toute-consommation-d-alcool-comporte-des-risques-pour-la-sante https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/determinants-de-sante/alcool/documents/article/pourquoi-les-francais-consomment-ils-de-l-alcool




New European Heart Attack Recommendations Include Focus on Women

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Franco-British Chamber Hosts International Women’s Day Event


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Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Appears on the BFM Business Check-up Santé Show

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