

Why Women Need to Take Care of Themselves

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Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was recently a guest on the Legend Ladies podcast. She shared a bit about her life and her motivations at Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation. We all have a story that explains who we are today. But most importantly, this podcast was an opportunity to remind women to take care of themselves and think about their well-being rather than always putting themselves last. Every day in France, 200 women die from a cardiovascular disease and this event is preventable in 8 out of 10 cases through regular screening and healthier lifestyles. Dr. Mounier-Vehier’s message: take care of yourself because you truly deserve it!

Listen to the podcast in French: https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/5-saison-3-hors-série-docteur-claire-mounier-vehier/id1516765104?i=1000505158471




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