

Why You Should Take Irregular or Missed Periods Seriously for Your Health

Why You Should Take Irregular or Missed Periods Seriously for Your Health

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Le Figaro highlighted how important it is for women to think about their hearts in two articles on their health page.

Women who have irregular or missed periods should be extra attentive because they’re more likely to be overweight, have high blood pressure and high cholesterol which all expose them to increased risk of dying early.

A study that recently appeared in the British Medical Journal shows that premature mortality is more frequent among women who are more often subject to cardiovascular disease. The characteristics of a woman’s menstrual cycle are a non-specific marker of her general health. If this the case for you, pay special attention. Health professionals should also be alert in this situation and ask themselves what the cause could be while being attentive to any consequences.

Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation wants to remind women how important it is to pay attention to cardiovascular disease risks and listen to their bodies. Most importantly, they shouldn’t minimize the symptoms they feel and should see their doctor right away. They should also tell their gynecologist or primary doctor about their family history and gynecological symptoms since there’s a direct link between women’s hormones and their cardiovascular risk.

So, be attentive to your heart if you have irregular periods and aim for a healthy lifestyle.

https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/regles-irregulieres-un-indicateur-de-sante-a-prendre-au-serieux-20201019"" target=""_blank"">https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/regles-irregulieres-un-indicateur-de-sante-a-prendre-au-serieux-20201019




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