

Christine, 54 years old

Territory manager in active retirement

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I just had a consultation with Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, and I wanted to tell women not to be afraid of seeing your doctor whether or not you have symptoms. They will listen to you and share prevention tips adapted to your lifestyle, habits and overindulgences. It’s so important to get screened and have a lifestyle diagnosis before you get sick, rather than after! It’s essential to learn more about cardiovascular disease and to establish a constructive dialog with your doctor about the goals you want to meet during a specific period. They can prescribe complementary checkups and tests to better evaluate which best practices you should follow. You need to take care of yourself before it’s too late. I encourage you to do it before it’s too late. Congratulations on the beautiful Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) website that’s full of useful information for women about cardiovascular disease.




Sophie, 47 years old

Business executive in Lyon

During lockdown, I was experiencing strange sensations. I called the paramedics right away and described what I was feeling. They told me I was having a heart attack. Fortunately, I was taken to the hospital right away and had two stents inserted. I was released after four days and started cardiac [...]



Katia, 55 years old

Lille, France

September 2019: I left my home after domestic violence. I filed a complaint with police and started divorce proceedings. My first shock. March 2020: COVID-19 arrived and I was locked down alone in my apartment and new town, Le Havre. Being furloughed for three months threw me into a state of complete [...]



Marlène, 37 years old

Medical secretary (Lille, France)

I didn’t have any health problems before my pregnancy in 2009, but I was under observation because I was expecting twins. I was hospitalized at 37 weeks to monitor the babies and I had lots of edema at the end of the pregnancy. I gave birth by C-section because the twins’ health condition was [...]


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