

Christine, 54 years old

Territory manager in active retirement

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I just had a consultation with Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, and I wanted to tell women not to be afraid of seeing your doctor whether or not you have symptoms. They will listen to you and share prevention tips adapted to your lifestyle, habits and overindulgences. It’s so important to get screened and have a lifestyle diagnosis before you get sick, rather than after! It’s essential to learn more about cardiovascular disease and to establish a constructive dialog with your doctor about the goals you want to meet during a specific period. They can prescribe complementary checkups and tests to better evaluate which best practices you should follow. You need to take care of yourself before it’s too late. I encourage you to do it before it’s too late. Congratulations on the beautiful Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) website that’s full of useful information for women about cardiovascular disease.




Rosita, 68 years old

My name is Rosita. I’m 68 years old and for more than 35 years, I’ve suffered from various cardiac issues related to a malformed mitral valve. In 1998, I had a very successful mitral valve plasty procedure, but still had a stroke in 2012 after hastily completed thrombolysis. Fortunately, there [...]



Martine, 61 years old

Primary care doctor (Colmar, France)

I’m 61 and I love outdoor sports, the mountains and nature. Even my bout with breast cancer 30 years ago couldn’t knock me out of the game. Instead, it helped me heal. In 2017, during a period of enormous chronic stress due to family and professional commitments, I suddenly felt pain in my chest [...]



Pascale, 49 years old

Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

My name is Pascale. I’m 49 years old and I live in Villeneuve d’Ascq. I don’t smoke, drink or vape and I eat well. I’m stressed and constantly anxious. I’m worn out and tired… actually, I’m exhausted. Everything’s related to my personal and professional life story. My body tried to [...]


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prevention for women at key moments in their lives