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Des femmes engagées pour la cause des maladies cardio-vasculaires aux cotés d'Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation souhaitent alerter à leur tour et partager leurs expériences. Elles ont été victimes d'un premier accident, elles ont bénéficié d'une prise en charge cardio-gynécologique, elles veulent désormais à leur tour sauver des vies et s'impliquer dans la prévention positive.


Clémence, 25 years old

Student (Montpellier, France)

My name is Clémence. I’m 25 and I was born prematurely at 7 months with a fairly rare genetic disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, sometimes called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. A mutation of the MYH7 (myosin heavy chain) gene I carry caused this disease. In my case, the wall [...]



Sophie, 34 years old

Manager (Hinges)

I’m the proud mom of a little four-month-old girl. Something unique about me: I had a heart transplant three years ago. It saved my life and allowed me to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother, something that had been completely inaccessible before. That’s because I’d been diagnosed with [...]



Rosita, 68 years old

My name is Rosita. I’m 68 years old and for more than 35 years, I’ve suffered from various cardiac issues related to a malformed mitral valve. In 1998, I had a very successful mitral valve plasty procedure, but still had a stroke in 2012 after hastily completed thrombolysis. Fortunately, there [...]



Mathilde, 28 years old

“I’ve had a heart problem since I was three months old. When I got pregnant last year, I knew things wouldn’t go like they do for other women. My cardiologist informed me of several things. First, my child would come early because my delivery had to be by c-section due to the condition of my [...]



Chantal, 70 years old

There’s a BEFORE and an AFTER. For a number of years, I suffered from an arrhythmia. Despite an electric shock and medications, I was having more and more episodes lasting longer each time. At 68 years of age, I was unable to plan activities, an outing or even accept an invitation because of my [...]



Sabine, 39 years old

Doctor (Rouen, France)

I had been taking combination birth control pills since I was 16 for acne and I continued to self-prescribe them. I didn’t have the time to see a gynecologist because I worked too much and had kids to take care of. I didn’t have any significant medical history, apart from a family history of [...]



Nathalie, 51 years old

Dr. A., an emergency physician, recounted the heartbreaking story of Christine, aged 46, and shared the experience of her son who wanted to send an alert to all women who don’t take good enough care of themselves. 1:28 a.m.: a call came into emergency services. “Come quick, it’s an emergency, [...]



Annie, 64 years old

For several years, I’d been having heart rhythm problems lasting an hour at a time, three times per week. Then it increased to four days a week. It was an arrhythmia. Treatment wasn’t helpful. I had palpitations every day even if I wasn’t doing anything other than eating. It was an ordeal. I [...]


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