

How to Live Your Best Life in Menopause

Struggling with hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain or low libido? An Enquête de Santé episode on France 5 provided comprehensive information to better understand and live through this complicated period.

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The drop in hormones can trigger symptoms that vary from one woman to another. While menopause isn’t an illness, it can expose women to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. This means screening for risk factors is a public health issue. Should you take hormone replacement therapy? What are the most effective natural methods to live your best life during menopause? We know one thing for sure: menopause is the time that reveals how important it is to take care of yourself. The report features a wide variety of presenters, including Prof. Geneviève Plu-Bureau from Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation.





Experts Call for Creation of International Group of Independent Scientists

Warnings about a global pandemic were issued well before the current crisis. Big name people talked about the risks, including George Bush in 2005 and Bill Gates, who gave a Ted Talk in 2015 that forewarned about the coming disaster. Videos of these warnings are making the rounds and have been seen by [...]



Long Term Effects of Gestational Hypertension

A British study from University of Cambridge analyzed the results of a meta-analysis involving a total of 3.6 million women, including 128,000 with gestational hypertension. The study was recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and can be accessed at



How White Coat Hypertension Impacts Pregnancy

A recent study published in the U.S. journal Hypertension on May 28, 2020, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, evaluated the effects of white coat hypertension on mothers and babies during pregnancy. White coat hypertension is defined as elevated blood pressure (BP) when measured by [...]


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