

How to Live Your Best Life in Menopause

Struggling with hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, weight gain or low libido? An Enquête de Santé episode on France 5 provided comprehensive information to better understand and live through this complicated period.

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The drop in hormones can trigger symptoms that vary from one woman to another. While menopause isn’t an illness, it can expose women to various diseases, including cardiovascular disease. This means screening for risk factors is a public health issue. Should you take hormone replacement therapy? What are the most effective natural methods to live your best life during menopause? We know one thing for sure: menopause is the time that reveals how important it is to take care of yourself. The report features a wide variety of presenters, including Prof. Geneviève Plu-Bureau from Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation.




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Arnaud de Senilhes


Arnaud de Senilhes was born in 1962 and graduated Summa cum Laude with a Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) in business law and taxation from Université Paris II-Panthéon Assas, where he was valedictorian. He and his wife Constance have three children, Ninon, Bastien, Eloi. Mr. de Senilhes began his professional career as an attorney, working for Coopers & Lybrand Conseils [...]

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Christine Delavault

Board Secretary

Christine Delavault is a physician specialized in medical biology. After graduating with a DEA in hemostasis and vessel biology, she joined the pharmaceutical industry where she worked for 27 years in various roles including marketing, medical affairs and market access for Searle, Bellon, Pharmacia and Daiichi Sankyo. At Daiichi Sankyo, she was instrumental in setting up and expanding the French [...]

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