
Retrouvez tous nos articles, toute notre actualité

Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver la vie de 10.000 femmes à 5 ans nécessite un plan d’actions stratégique et opérationnel avec des indicateurs de suivi et de performance. C’est dans cette rubrique actualités que vous vivrez avec nous le développement de notre fonds au quotidien.
Vous y retrouverez nos derniers communiqués de presse, nos interventions médias (TV, Radio, Presse) mais aussi nos prises de parole, nos commentaires sur les dernières études ou  données importantes. Tous ensemble nous pouvons faire évoluer la perception des maladies cardio-vasculaires chez les femmes et leur prise en charge.


France 2 Broadcasts Warning on Evening Show

At University Hospital of Lille, the Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Cœur des Femmes) is seeing patients every day who have delayed treatment because they were afraid to see a doctor in the past few weeks. No one should hesitate to see a doctor or call 911 as soon as [...]



2020 World No Tobacco Day

This 2020 edition confirmed that French people are using less tobacco. In 2019, 30.4% of people aged 18 to 75 said they smoke, compared to 34.3% in 2014. This was the first time since 2000 that such a significant decrease was observed. Between 2018 and 2019, prevalence dropped significantly among [...]



Why Women’s Arteries are Sensitive to Stress

Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, was a guest on the RTL radio morning show and encouraged women to take care of their hearts and arteries especially during this stressful time as things begin to reopen after lockdown. There are many sources of stress, such as remote work arrangements, children to [...]



How to Recognize the Signs of a Heart Attack

During her guest appearance on France 5’s Journal de la Santé health show, Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, warned women about the harmful effect stress has on their heart and arteries, especially during this post-lockdown period. They must take care of themselves and shouldn’t wait to see a [...]



Journal du Dimanche Newspaper Article


These unprecedented times have brought us back to what is most essential in life: human beings, with our most precious and fragile resource, our health. COVID-19, this visible pandemic that’s terrifying many, has forced us to take time for reflection, introspection and interrogation. Let’s use [...]



How to Successfully Prepare for Reopening After Lockdown

COVID-19 Reopening

As part of our partnership with Crédit Mutuel, Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation (Agir pour le Coeur des Femmes) organized two webinars to help Crédit Mutuel and CIC Ile-de-France employees successfully adapt to the new reality as things reopen after COVID-19. They featured practical [...]



Why this Doctor is Sounding the Red Alert for Women’s Hearts


Just three years ago, France 5 broadcast a health investigation on women’s hearts. During the program, Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier, MD, sounded the alarm: women are on the front lines of cardiovascular events and they don’t even know it. This show has already helped save many lives, raising [...]



Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Symptoms

Why You Should Listen to Your Symptoms Women shouldn’t wait to get their cardiovascular disease symptoms checked out! The current COVID-19 health crisis will likely trigger an increase in the number of cardiovascular events women experience. Thanks to France 3 Hauts de France for helping us spread [...]


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prevention for women at key moments in their lives