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Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver la vie de 10.000 femmes à 5 ans nécessite un plan d’actions stratégique et opérationnel avec des indicateurs de suivi et de performance. C’est dans cette rubrique actualités que vous vivrez avec nous le développement de notre fonds au quotidien.
Vous y retrouverez nos derniers communiqués de presse, nos interventions médias (TV, Radio, Presse) mais aussi nos prises de parole, nos commentaires sur les dernières études ou  données importantes. Tous ensemble nous pouvons faire évoluer la perception des maladies cardio-vasculaires chez les femmes et leur prise en charge.


Are medications sexist?

Erving Zucker and his colleagues at University of California Berkeley conducted research in more than 5,000 publications and focused on 86 medications on the U.S. market administered to men and women. At equivalent doses, 76 of them had a higher concentration in women’s blood than in men’s blood, [...]



Long Term Effects of Gestational Hypertension

A British study from University of Cambridge analyzed the results of a meta-analysis involving a total of 3.6 million women, including 128,000 with gestational hypertension. The study was recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and can be accessed at



Drink Less, Live Longer

Santé Publique France reminded readers about the work of a group of experts commissioned in 2017 to study the effects of alcohol on our health with INCA, the national cancer institute. Their report concluded that it’s no longer possible to say there’s no risk if alcohol consumption stays below [...]



Why Cardio-Obstetrics is so Important

Cardio-obstetrics takes a team approach to cardiovascular disease management during pregnancy, the same approach we’re using at University Hospital of Lille as part of our Cœur–Artères–Femmes (Heart–Arteries–Women) pathway. It integrates cardiologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, general [...]



Why does medicine treat women like men?

For Dr. McGregor, the male-centric medical model is so widespread in our health systems and our procedures that we don’t even realize it exists. She offers an informative and prescriptive guide for women to explore the specificities of their bodies and the preventive actions they can take to reduce [...]



How White Coat Hypertension Impacts Pregnancy

A recent study published in the U.S. journal Hypertension on May 28, 2020, the International Day of Action for Women’s Health, evaluated the effects of white coat hypertension on mothers and babies during pregnancy. White coat hypertension is defined as elevated blood pressure (BP) when measured by [...]



Experts Call for Creation of International Group of Independent Scientists

Warnings about a global pandemic were issued well before the current crisis. Big name people talked about the risks, including George Bush in 2005 and Bill Gates, who gave a Ted Talk in 2015 that forewarned about the coming disaster. Videos of these warnings are making the rounds and have been seen by [...]



Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Signs Partnership with Crédit Mutuel

As part of this philanthropic partnership, a long-term action plan will be developed to engage employees, customers and the general public. Before this formal announcement, the Foundation presented a webinar on reopening after lockdown attended by several thousand Crédit Mutuel employees. [...]


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prevention for women at key moments in their lives