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Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver la vie de 10.000 femmes à 5 ans nécessite un plan d’actions stratégique et opérationnel avec des indicateurs de suivi et de performance. C’est dans cette rubrique actualités que vous vivrez avec nous le développement de notre fonds au quotidien.
Vous y retrouverez nos derniers communiqués de presse, nos interventions médias (TV, Radio, Presse) mais aussi nos prises de parole, nos commentaires sur les dernières études ou  données importantes. Tous ensemble nous pouvons faire évoluer la perception des maladies cardio-vasculaires chez les femmes et leur prise en charge.


Why We’re Committed to Women’s Heart Health

Two hundred women die every day from cardiovascular disease in France and 25,000 die worldwide. Stroke, heart attacks and heart failure could be avoided in 8 out of 10 cases by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Prof. Mounier-Vehier also shared prevention tips that we don’t talk about often enough, such [...]



How to Take Care of your Heart Before, During and After Pregnancy

Remember that if a woman with a cardiac disease doesn’t receive appropriate care during pregnancy, the risk of complications for her baby is 15 times higher and her risk of death is 100 times higher. It is believed that cardiovascular adaptation during pregnancy is similar to high level endurance [...]



How the Placenta Plays an Essential Role in Nourishing a Baby

What happens when the placenta doesn’t develop correctly? In some situations, the placenta develops incorrectly, doesn’t develop enough, ages to quickly or sometimes detaches from the uterus too soon. This can lead to a dysfunction that causes complications for the mother and the baby as [...]



10 Questions Women Ask: Know Your Green and Red Lights for Effective Prevention

1. When should I have a screening and cardiovascular check-up before or during my pregnancy? You should do this the following contexts: • Personal or family history of heart or aortic disease (dissection, aneurysm, surgery) • Personal history of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, high blood [...]



How Cardiovascular Disease Makes Maternal Mortality a Hundred Times Higher

The heart and arteries work hard during pregnancy and after delivery. It’s important to pay close attention to them and take care of them. First to avoid immediate risks: it is estimated that 150,000 women of childbearing age in France have a cardiovascular disease. They face the risk of significant [...]



Tell Me What You Eat and I’ll Tell You How to Lower Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

A group of American experts in nutrition and cardiovascular disease recently emphasized the urgency of routinely evaluating eating habits during routine check-ups. What we eat has a significant impact on our health. According to a 2017 report covering 195 countries around the world, it was estimated [...]



Responses to Your Questions About Heart Attacks

What are the first steps when a patient arrives at the emergency department? Are older people managed differently way? What is the medical follow-up after a heart attack? What is cardiac rehabilitation? How can I manage the anxiety of a possible recurrence? Can I start driving again after a heart [...]



Alert, Anticipate, Act to Save Lives

In France, 200 women die every day from cardiovascular disease in all its forms, and 25,000 die every day worldwide, with delays in treatment mainly due to a lack of awareness. The causes of death in France are well documented: women die most often from a stroke, then from heart attack or heart [...]


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prevention for women at key moments in their lives