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Afin de renforcer notre efficacité autour de nos 3 missions Alerter, Anticiper, Agir, nous avons choisi de multiplier les actions de communication, d’information mais aussi les actions au plus proche du terrain permettant ainsi un impact concret et majeur au service de la cause. Sauver la vie de 10.000 femmes à 5 ans nécessite un plan d’actions stratégique et opérationnel avec des indicateurs de suivi et de performance. C’est dans cette rubrique actualités que vous vivrez avec nous le développement de notre fonds au quotidien.
Vous y retrouverez nos derniers communiqués de presse, nos interventions médias (TV, Radio, Presse) mais aussi nos prises de parole, nos commentaires sur les dernières études ou  données importantes. Tous ensemble nous pouvons faire évoluer la perception des maladies cardio-vasculaires chez les femmes et leur prise en charge.


Sharing the Healthy Heart Message with Women in Africa

Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier and Thierry Drilhon, cofounders of Women’s Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation, [...]



Why You Shouldn’t Spend Too Much Time Sitting or Lying Down During the Day

For women ages 50 to 79, the more sedentary they are during the day, the higher their risk of being hospitalized for heart failure. This finding came from an epidemiological study conducted with more than 80,000 menopausal women with an average age of 63. Participants reported how much time they spent [...]



Three Minutes to Convince Viewers…

Prof. Mounier-Vehier was a guest on the Chroniques Santé show on TV WEO to explain why it is important to change the stereotypes about cardiovascular disease in women. There are still major biases related to cardiovascular disease in women that lead to many lost opportunities. Insufficient [...]



Prof. Claire Mounier-Vehier Included in LinkedIn Top Voices 2020

LinkedIn unveiled its Top Voices list in November 2020. It featured the 25 most prominent contributors in 2020 in France on the largest professional network in the world and included Valérie Pécresse, Anne Hidalgo, Bruno Le Maire, Julia De Funès, Nicolas Dufourcq (CEO of BPI France), and Olivier [...]



Why Regular Physical Activity Reduces the Risk of Developing High Blood Pressure

Researchers have just reported the results of a large study of more than 140,000 adults in Taiwan followed for an average of 5 years that show that regular physical activity reduces the risk of becoming hypertensive, even when air pollution is at moderately high levels. The results show that [...]



Why You Should Take Irregular or Missed Periods Seriously for Your Health

Le Figaro highlighted how important it is for women to think about their hearts in two articles on their health page. Women who have irregular or missed periods should be extra attentive because they’re more likely to be overweight, have high blood pressure and high cholesterol which all expose [...]



New European Heart Attack Recommendations Include Focus on Women

The 2020 recommendations focus on ultra-sensitive troponin assays with early diagnosis (one to two hours), coronary angiography in less then 24 hours and coronary CT scan to rule out diagnoses. Information specific to women is clearly detailed. The European Society of Cardiology has updated [...]



Presse Médicale Formation Focuses on Women’s Hearts

Presse Médicale Formation recently devoted the dossier in its second issue to the specificities of cardiovascular disease in women. Every day, this disease kills 200 women in France and 25,000 around the world, with delays diagnosis and treatment essentially due to the fact that women aren’t [...]


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